The Benefits of Scenar Therapy
The Pain Genie Scenar is an advanced pain relief device and represents a breakthrough in accelerating the body's natural self healing abilities.
Developed by an elite team of doctors and scientists to keep cosmonauts in optimum health during space travel, it is now the treatment of choice by an increasing number of world-class athletes and medical professionals. It is highly effective in all forms of pain relief including neck and back pain, sports injuries, whiplash, fractures, arthritis, RSI, IBS, burns and aching joints.
As the Pain Genie is brushed over an area of inflammation or pain, gentle electrical impulses, similar to those produced by the nervous system, are registered by the body, triggering an accelerating the release of powerful natural healing compounds known as neuropeptides.
The results are usually immediate and long lasting, with most people able to achieve a dramatic reduction in pain, often within minutes.
To provide 'real effects' to accelerate health and resolve pain we uniquely provide four things that achieve this:
1) Genuine Scenar technology2) Simple techniques that have evolved with experience over 10 years since the release of this remarkable 'self treatment device' . We have demonstrated these incredible effects in Europe, USA, Canada, Africa and Asia with our seminars, talks, training courses and events such as the "Back Pain Show at Olympia in London", the "Rude Health Show" in Dublin. We are leaders in the field of Scenar technology.
3) A wealth of experience in Energy Medicine with a network that gives us access to Professors, Medical Doctors, Therapists, Physiotherapists, and some amazing natural health practitioners who are leaders in their fields, we can show the chronically ill how to combine simple and often inexpensive protocols together with the Pain Genie Scenar treatment to get results that are often described as amazing or unbelievable.
4) The ability, if necessary to provide training that will transform your understanding and knowledge, described as 'life changing' by many. And, if you are a therapist (or would like to become one) the confidence to treat your patients with energy medicine at an altogether higher level.
The Pain Genie is certified for medical and therapeutic use and we will happily provide demonstrations showing the effectiveness of the Pain Genie Scenar technology.
Millions of people around the world simply put up with pain believing it is a part of life, the cost of getting older, being too active in sport or just trying to deal with injuries that do not appear to heal.
Now there is a solution to take control of your health. Learn more about the Pain Genie Scenar, watch our video testimonials, read various clinical studies, or contact us for more information.

Alison Smithson
I bought the Pain Genie Home Scenar for a painful knee condition. It worked extremely well on the knee but even better was the result I got after falling down t Read More ›
To anyone thinking about Scenar treatment, Over a number of years now my health has deteriorated due to stress related issues. These were brought on by living i Read More ›
I suffered from very painful RSI for years as a result of computer work. I had some Pain Genie Scenar treatments and now am pain free. Nothing else had the same Read More ›
Following neurological damage to the face and neck after dental work I had tried most things to calm down the various nerve and muscle pains I was experiencing; Read More ›
Derek Moore
Attending my usual weekly pilates class at the local gym the teacher Pam was struggling herself raising her leg in one of the stretching exercises. At the end o Read More ›