Pain Genie Frequently Asked Questions
The Pain Genie incorporates very complex software, but has proved to be very robust even when dropped .. or as one of our customers manged to do ... worked fine after getting slammed in a car door! Pressing the wrong buttons will not damage it or stop its effectiveness. If in doubt, we have included a very simple reset procedure - please see manual inside the DVD cover. There are several other battery saving and 'ease of use' features, such as audible ‘bleeps’ when it is switched on or off and an automatic switch off after sixty seconds if it is not in use.
Occasionally a mild healing crisis may occur with normal use, but it is very unlikely if the procedures on the DVD and members area are followed. Please see Herrings Law below.
For immediate use, very little. The instruction manual will give enough basic information to begin using your Pain Genie Scenar quickly and effectively. Our DVD will provide a good understanding of how scenar therapy can be applied.
A huge amount of evidence exists now for the effectiveness of the Pain Genie Scenar treatment. This includes scientific, clinical and a massive amount of anecdotal information - from video testimonials and written accounts.
Most of the studies produced are still in Russian and have not yet been translated into english - a massive archive of information after more than 30 years of development and use. Other studies (clinical and case histories by Medical Doctors and practitioners) are available from Germany,USA,Canada,UK,Bulgaria etc. Please look under our TESTIMONIALS section for well over 100 such trials and clinical studies.
Pain Genie have also conducting trials at one of the worlds leading Bio-energetic labs at the Centre for Bio-field Sciences at the World Peace Centre, Pune University, India.This study is part one of a three phase trial.
The study was based on a randomly assigned, efficacy study on the Pain Genie and it's effects on the Bio-energy field, interstitial fluid parameters and anti-inflammatory effects after each participant received one treatment - not exceeding 12 minutes.The treatment methods used in the trial are the ones shown in our DVD and on our members area. Systems used for analysis were Medical Thermal Imaging (MTI), ESCOMPLEX,Electro Photon Imaging (EPI) and PIP Biofield Imaging - all at the leading edge of Science, The ESCOMPLEX is also FDA approved.
Phase one of the trial shows that of 26 measurement parameters, there was significant changes in 2 of them,very significant changes in 5 of them and 'extremely significant' changes in 9 of them - study to be published on this web site after the phase 2 trials are completed. This represents more powerful scientific proof for the effectiveness of the Pain Genie and also our simple treatment techniques.
By attending one of our training courses and subscribing to our members area, which provides new techniques and information each month. Also, user groups and forums are available.
See our sister web site at for more details.
Typically the batteries will last between two and twelve months depending on usage. Our experience is that when a device is powered by a Duracell battery and used for one hour daily, you can expect to be still using the device in three months time.
There are currently 4 different types that we supply:
90mm by 40mm oblong pads
50mm square pads
40mm square pads
30mm round pads
All of these require the use of the basic pain relief leads that attach them to the Pain Genie or Pro device. Please see members area for video demonstrations, including pain relief during child birth.
This depends on many factors. If an injury has just happened (acute - happened within the last 20 days) then the Pain Genie will get faster results and pain may disappear within seconds with no more than one or two treatments being necessary. Other injuries can be more serious and several sessions may be needed - broken bones and torn ligaments for example.
Many people suffer from chronic pain that may will have been there for some time, this will need more treatment so a number of sessions may be needed to get significant long lasting results - but the pain should be reduced dramatically after each session. Often, after using the Pain Genie, one pain goes and is replaced by another elsewhere, this is sometimes referred to as 'chasing the pain' - a good sign that the healing process has begun and the body is reacting quickly to the Pain Genies bio-feedback. Simply repeating the process on the new site of pain continues the process , but also follow the major body techniques on the DVD to get faster results.
The Pain Genie effectively re-educates the body, supplying it with energy and information so that it may accelerate healing itself - so you can use it every day if you choose.
Always consult your medical professional if you are in any doubt as to the cause of your pain.
We have an excellent knowledge of 'energy medicine' or 'energetic medicine' and a large global network of therapists, Medical doctors and healers. While we do not claim anything other than 'pain relief' for the Pain Genie , trials - both clinical and anecdotal should not be ignored in relation to what we call 'positive side effects'. Please look under 'TESTIMONIALS' on our web site and read other answers to FAQ's.
Beyond this we will be happy to talk to you personally - please call.
We appreciate that some people live their life in horrible pain and just want the quickest solution, so inside the cover of the DVD we have included a quick-start guide. Within minutes of receiving the Pain Genie you will be able to ease that pain by using two of the three techniques that will be used in 90% of pain situations.
The DVD is also important. Aside from something that you can refer back to, it will give you step by step instructions in the third technique which is an all-over body treatment. It will also show you the first two techniques in action, and just like watching premiership footballers or master chefs you will learn things that will help you get even better results.
But the rest of the support we give is real and will make a big difference. If the answer to your problem or difficulty is not on the website or in the training material, then we are available at the end of a telephone or by email. We understand pain and will respond as fast as we can.
We want you to have great success with your Pain Genie, so we have put together a support mechanism to take care of any questions or problems that may arise. We have a support desk, a members area on-line showing simple techniques for different pain and health conditions as well as demonstrations at our offices and around the country by our associates. Also training programs and seminars in cities around the UK and Ireland. get the best from your Pain Genie.
At some of these events we will shoot sequences of specialist techniques for problems such as migraine and lower back pain for the benefit of all our members. Every month we aim to release new videos to our members showing powerful techniques for pain resolution and healing.
We care about your health problems ... and by that we mean much more than just resolving pain. Our network is global with some of the best therapists and Doctors - so our perfected simple techniques are also invaluable for accelerating healing beyond pain. See our guarantee for non-pain related health conditions.
One of the main advantages of the Pain Genie package is the simplicity of its operation. But just in case you want to take things slowly we have included easy step-by-step sequences on the DVD and in the user manual.
Once you understand the basic functions and become comfortable with the settings you will be surprised how easy it is to use. If, after following the instructions you are still unable to gain improvement,log-on to the members area (you should have been sent a logon code when you purchased the device) and look at the videos on 'device settings' , you can then also call our helpline to discuss the use of your Pain Genie, attend a hands on demonstration / help session, and if that still does not work for you, we offer a 28 day full money back refund.
As we have already said above: If you’ve followed all the instructions and can’t get the Pain Genie to work for you and we can’t help you to get it to work for you then we’ll give you your money back any time within 28 days.
Secondly, if you have bought any other pain relief device from anywhere in the UK worth £50 or more that hasn’t worked for you send us the receipt and the useless device, and we will give you a £50 discount on the cost of a new Pain Genie, (maximum discount of £50 per person, not applicable with any other offers), which should ease the financial pain also.
Please see the wealth of scientific and testimonial information on this site under the TESTIMONIALS tab and our current trials that are producing extremely significant results at the Bio-energetic research labs at the World Peace Centre, India.
The Pain Genie is different to all the other so called remedies because of the amount of research and funding that went into its development. The technology behind the Pain Genie was paid for by the Soviet government of the cold war era. They needed a solution to the problem of keeping their cosmonauts in peak physical condition whilst in space, which included dealing with any injuries that may occur. Money didn’t matter. They assembled a top team of scientists and doctors to tackle the problem and develop the technology – regardless of cost. The result, called Scenar technology, is better than they could have imagined.
The Pain Genie, incorporating this technology, doesn’t relieve pain itself, it harnesses the power of your own body to do so, by awakening its natural healing powers. This is done by creating a temporary pathway between the brain and the point of pain and a initiating a process called ‘bio-feedback’. This stimulates the Central Nervous System into communicating with the area of pain, along that pathway, supplying the exact amount of powerful natural healing chemicals and compounds that are needed at that precise time in that precise location. Uniquely, it doesn’t end there. The process also ‘kick-starts’ the recovery process and continues to work long after the pain Genie has been switched off. Better sleep, more energy and general well-being are common side effects.
The Pain Genie is the only genuine Scenar product with CE certification available in the UK.
It doesn’t put anything into your body, it doesn’t take anything out, and there are no attachments, inserting different programme cards or interpreting readouts – just pure pain relief.
Detachable electrodes can considerably enhance the capabilities of the Pain Genie Scenar, improving its therapeutic effect, and make the user's work easier in areas of difficult access. E.g. the hair probe can be used to treat over the scalp or hairy areas of the body. Advanced techniques use this probe to produce effects such as ‘needling’. The cosmetology and large Y probes are wonderful for doing 'non surgical face-lifts' - why not come on a training course and find out?
Also , please see our 'members area' - free to you once you have purchased a device from us; you may be surprised at how may powerful ways there are just using the 'pain pads' on simple areas of the body that accelerate healing , take away pain and boost the immune system , while you read a book or have lunch!
Detachable electrodes can considerably enhance the capabilities of the Pain Genie Scenar, improving its therapeutic effect, and make the user's work easier in areas of difficult access. E.g. the hair probe can be used to treat over the scalp or hairy areas of the body. Advanced techniques use this probe to produce effects such as ‘needling’. The cosmetology and large Y probes are wonderful for doing 'non surgical face-lifts' - why not come on a training course and find out?
Also , please see our 'members area' - free to you once you have purchased a device from us; you may be surprised at how may powerful ways there are just using the 'pain pads' on simple areas of the body that accelerate healing , take away pain and boost the immune system , while you read a book or have lunch!
In the UK and Europe the device is licensed for pain relief only; in the USA it is licensed for pain relief and muscle re-education. The Pain Genie Scenar device by its very nature of stimulating the Central Nervous System (proven by numerous studies in Russia and elswhere) affects all body systems and thus helps to re-educate and promote health at a local as well as general level.
As well as pain relief (resolution) you may experience side effects that including better sleep, general well-being and higher energy levels. Many people have also reported that aches and pains elsewhere on the body have also reduced in intensity or have disappeared.
The original aim in developing the technology was to produce a device that could treat a wide range of conditions. This is as true today as it was then and doctors and medical professionals throughout Europe and the USA have used the technology, either in isolation or in conjunction with other techniques to treat many conditions and diseases with very high success rates.
We only claim 'pain relief' for the Pain Genie, but once you have a device and have agreed to our conditions on our members area ... you will find out more , or of course come on one of our training course as well !
See our sister web site below for more info re training:
A healing crisis is a situation where the body tries to eliminate toxins faster than it can dispose of them. This may result in low energy and a sense of being unwell. This is a temporary reaction that typically can last from a few hours up to 3 days. Such reactions can start immediately after a treatment or take place days or weeks into treatment has started. It is a necessary reaction as the body regenerates and cleanses itself of unwanted stressors – toxins, emotions and trauma’s. It is also known as the Herxheimer Reaction or Detox reaction.
Since our health relies on the natural flow of electricity, energy and information within the body it appears that stress, injury or disease disrupts these flows and creates what the Russians call ‘asymmetries’ or differences. Whenever the body has lost its natural integrating balance it manifests as what the Russians call an ‘Asymmetry’ An Asymmetry is an area in the body where homeostasis, the natural cycle of adaptive integration, is not present. Asymmetry is a sign of a blockage in the energy/information flow. Essentially an asymmetry is a difference. Signs of asymmetry include differences in skin colour, sensitivity, responsiveness, loss of function, and of course pain An asymmetry is a difference that represents dysfunction. An area of asymmetry may be very recent, Acute, perhaps a result of traumatic injury. It might be a more Chronic problem that has been present for months, that developed slowly. It might be a part of a complex set of problems, inter-related with other areas, involving a general more holistic and long-standing condition. (Acute problems may often respond to treatment faster). Whether Acute, Chronic or Holistic the Scenar therapist or Pain Genie personal user has just one objective – ‘Find and treat the asymmetry. By probing and measuring the body’s responses the Scenar device is showing where the asymmetry or difference in response is located. The electrical properties of the skin and its underlying tissues have very different properties when inflamed or injured, compared to normal healthy tissue. Simultaneously these devices are also interactively and responsively stimulating these areas so as to prompt the body to recognize, prioritise and manage the return to normal. Under the influence of the Pain Genie Scenar device the asymmetry is induced to change, to enter into a ‘dynamic’ and this is the beginning of pain reduction and functional recovery.
The body will heal from the head down, from the inside out and in the reverse order of disease. This can happen in stages as the body starts to detoxify and heal with its increased energy, often releasing toxins that can sometimes cause skin rashes, feelings of slight nausea and short periods of pain as the body completes previously blocked healing cycles. If any of these occur it's a great time to treat yourself again with the Pain Genie - especially getting a friend or partner to perform the 3 pathways and 6 points technique shown on the DVD. Just recently one of our clients has described how, after treating a friend confined to a wheelchair, she experienced classic symptoms of Herrings law ... but after 5 treatments apparently no longer needs to use her wheelchair .. testimonial to be posted soon.
The Scenar is a non-invasive, safe method of regulating homeostasis (body function), stimulating the Central Nervous System. The device re-educates and encourages the body to powerfully use its own internal pharmacy of bioactive substances, especially neuro-peptides.
The Pain Genie requires one 9 Volt battery. Rechargeable batteries are not recommended.
There are a few situations (Contra-indications) where you should not use your Pain Genie Scenar:
- If you, or the person you are treating has a pacemaker or electrically controlled implant
- Serious heart conditions
- Arial fibrillation (rapid heart beat)
- Arrhythmia
- Tumours
- Pregnancy
- Illegal Drug Dependants
- Under the influence of alcohol
Please consult user manual if in any doubt.
There are 2 main reasons for not treating C7 during the 3 pathways and 6 points (Zone) technique:
1) Russian Doctors show that this point is 'best' treated when included in the Palm Zone - an area above the pubic bone and coccyx as well as the suprasternal notch (jugular pit) and C7. (see members area for this straightforward technique)
2) In Chinese medicine C7 is called the Great Hammer - it is a major control point for the spine and body. If somebody has major chronic health issues and C7 is treated because it is 'sticky' , it is possible that a 'healing crisis' may occur. This is not a bad thing in its own right - but it could cause the body to use extra energy for healing and therefore make the person feel temporarily the 'worse for wear'. Please see Herrings Law.
Once someone has had some treatment and the body is already responding to pain related problems and as a result healing is accelerated - it is then fine to treat this point. (see also collar zone and 'sleep problems' videos in members area) Do not worry if you accidentally brush over this area during the 3 pathways and 6 points technique when you first start working with the Pain Genie.
Considered to be the father of American Homeopathy, Constantine Herring (1800-1880) described the principle rules of the healing process in the organism. They are the following:
1) Symptoms of a chronic disease disappear in a definite order when the patient is properly treated in accordance with homeopathic recommendations. The symptoms usually disappear in the reverse order of their appearance-the most recent symptom disappears first; then an earlier symptom re manifests only to abate when the proper remedy is given. This process continues until all the unresolved disease conditions are eliminated, even though some may go back to early childhood. This procedure is called the reverse progression of symptoms. This procedure of symptom regression isn't restricted to homeopathy alone, but is to be expected when most natural methods of therapy are used to overcome chronic ailments.
2) Herring's second law states that the symptoms tend to move from the more vital organs to the less vital organs and from the interior of the body toward the periphery or skin. This law functions because of the body's attempt to preserve itself. If a disease that produces morbid matter can't be eliminated, the body tries to deposit the residues of this condition in as harmless an area as possible. The skin is one of the safest, but the body also frequently uses the various connective tissues and joints for this purpose. Only when the disease process is overpowering does the body allow it to invade the vital organs, and even then the body makes every possible attempt to keep the disease processes out of the heart and brain.
3) Herring's third rule states that the symptoms move from the top of the body downward, disappearing first from the head, then from the thigh to the knee, ankle, and foot. We frequently encounter this last pattern, wherein the pain will go from the abdomen into the hip, then thigh, then knee and then in and out the foot. These patients often comment: "You know, I'm sure when it gets down to the foot, it will just go out the toes and be gone." They usually are correct. The functioning of the third law is based on a principle similar to the second. Because the more vital areas are found in the head and upper portion of the body and those of less importance are encountered toward the extremities, the third law is a symptomatic extension of the second law. Its nature is important to the physician but not particularly to the patient.
We offer a unique package:
- Genuine Scenar technology that powers the Pain Genie
- Simple techniques that have evolved with experience over 35 years of using this remarkable 'self treatment device' . We have demonstrated these in Europe , USA, Canada , Africa and Asia with our seminars, talks, training courses and events such as the "Back Pain Show at Olympia in London", the "Rude Health Show" in Dublin to name but two.
- A wealth of experience in "Energy Medicine' generally. With a global network that gives us access to Professors, Medical Doctors, Therapists, Physiotherapists, and some amazing natural health practitioners who are leaders in their fields, we can show the chronically ill how to combine simple and often inexpensive protocols together with the Pain Genie treatment to get results that are often described as 'amazing' , 'profound' and 'unbelievable.
- The ability to give you training that will transform your understanding and knowledge - described as 'life changing' by many , please see some of our video testimonials. And , if you are a therapist (or would like to become one) the confidence to treat your patients with energy medicine at an altogether higher level.

Alison Smithson
I bought the Pain Genie Home Scenar for a painful knee condition. It worked extremely well on the knee but even better was the result I got after falling down t Read More ›
To anyone thinking about Scenar treatment, Over a number of years now my health has deteriorated due to stress related issues. These were brought on by living i Read More ›
I suffered from very painful RSI for years as a result of computer work. I had some Pain Genie Scenar treatments and now am pain free. Nothing else had the same Read More ›
Following neurological damage to the face and neck after dental work I had tried most things to calm down the various nerve and muscle pains I was experiencing; Read More ›
Derek Moore
Attending my usual weekly pilates class at the local gym the teacher Pam was struggling herself raising her leg in one of the stretching exercises. At the end o Read More ›